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How is your day?
Lesson Target
Learn how to ask about a person's day.
Follow-up questions and comments
Emotions / Feelings
pretty good
not feeling
not feelling
ow (how, cow, plow)
ar (are, car, far, bar)
i (long i) /ɑɪ/ (eye, bye, die, shy)
oo (good, book, look, took, shook)
how + is = how's
it + is = it's
I + am = I'm
that + is = that's
Useful Vocabulary
Asking about a person's day.
How is your day? or How's your day?
How is your day so far? Or, How's your day so far? (so far = until this moment)
How's it going?
How's everything going?
It's good.
My day is going well.
It's going well.
It's pretty good so far. (so far = until this moment)
It's going pretty well so far.
Well, it's been busy.
It's ok.
It's alright, I guess. (I guess = first thought at the moment)
Part 1: Greeting
Hey, how is your day?
My day is going well.
Part 2: Ask a follow-up question.
Hey, how's it going?
It's going well. How is your day so far?
Part 3: Give a follow-up comment.
Hey, how's everything going?
My day is going well so far? How's your day?
It's been busy so far. I have a lot of work today.
Oh, I understand. You must feel tired.
Part 4: Finish the sentence.
Hey, how are you?
I'm . How are you?
I'm .
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Part 3: Give a follow-up comment.
Hey, how's everything going?
My day is going well so far? How's your day?
It's been busy so far. I have a lot of work today.
Oh, I understand. You must feel tired.
Language Advice
Besides grammar and sentene structure, every language has a unique culture behind it. Cultures are often different in how long their responses are and what details they include. What is a common way English speakers build their responses?
#1 Native speakers give the main point of their response.
#2 They give additional details related to the main point stated first.
Native speakers often give additional details and information that were never asked for. Culturally, this is acceptable and common.
Part 5: Expand your responses.
Hey, how are you?
I'm good. Thanks for asking. I had a great day at work. We finished a big project. How are you?
I feel pretty good today.
That's great! I'm happy that you're not sick anymore. Some people at my office are sick. I try to stay healthy.
Useful Language
How are you?
How have you been?
How was your day?
How's it going? (informal)
What's up? (informal)
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